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Ghanaian urged to develop the culture of savings

Sun, 21 Nov 2004 Source: GNA

Accra, Nov. 21, GNA - A Director of ECOBank Ghana Limited, the Reverend Fitzgerald Odonkor, on Saturday urged Ghanaians to develop the culture of saving at lest ten per cent of their monthly earnings. The nurturing of a savings culture would serve as the basis for individual capital mobilisation for accelerated growth and development, Rev. Odonkor stated at a seminar dubbed "Prosperity: Spiritual and Natural Perspective," organised by the Harvest Chapel International in Accra.

The seminar was to expose Christians to Godly principles for both physical and spiritual progress, the tenet of self-development and as well as the reward for hard labour.

Rev Odonkor who is the head pastor of Harvest Chapel noted that the only inhibition to progress is laziness and pride and urged Christians to eschew it, stressing "there are opportunities all around us, we need to prepare our mind get focus and take advantage of it".

He also urged Christians to seek sound financial investment advise especially in the area of farming, acquisition of stock and shares, and exploit other capital mobilisation opportunities.

Quoting extensively from the Bible, the Harvest Chapel Pastor said, "God has given us a mandate to prosper, we must therefore identify and apply God's principles for progress/prosperity.

"Progress or prosperity would not come by default or accident, it would come in the way of those who strategically plan towards is not only about prayer, after the prayers who must work hard as God abhor laziness," Rev Odonkor noted.

The former Ground Manager of Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) in Ghana, Rev. Dennis Osie Manu, said the key to Godly prosperity was based on the willingness and obedient to adhere truth, honesty, godly virtues and counsel.

Rev. Osei Manu who is also the Pastor of the Covenant Family Community Church said "you should continue in humility and righteousness when God raises you, show love and kindness to mankind especially the needy and support the work of God".

Speaking on "Application of Natural and Spiritual Principles of Prosperity," Rev. Emmanuel Titi-Lartey, of Cal Merchant Bank Ghana Limited explained that prosperity is not only monetary riches but also having a fulfilled life.

The notion that prosperity means financial riches was false, good health, the family, friends, physical protection are all other forms of prosperity.

He said prosperity therefore must take its root from scripture, and urged Christians to reject the ungodly counsel of cutting corners, cheating, bribery and corruption, and stealing to acquire wealth. Rev. Titi-Lartey who is the Associate Pastor of Harvest Chapel said God detest evil, and any wealth acquired through sinful means would not last.

Mr Frank Asante of the Cocoa Processing Company (CPC) identified five ways to prosper, which included through personal efforts, inheritance, services of others and institutions, rehabilitation of property, and gifts and blessings.

He advised that people should spend less than they earn, "should live within your means not what society detects".

Source: GNA