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Government to support Volta Lake Transport Company

Mon, 3 Aug 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 3, GNA - The Ministry of Transport on Monday assured staff of the Volta Lake Transport Company (VLTC) of the necessary support and protection to enable them to carry out their social services to communities living along the banks of the Volta Lake. Mr. Mike Hammah, the sector minister said the ministry would also present a memo to Cabinet to enable government to review a Memorandum of Understanding signed under the previous administration that allowed the introduction of a new company to lift fuel from Akosombo to the northern parts of the country and beyond.

A statement to the Ghana News Agency on Monday said Mr Hammah disclosed this at a staff durbar at Akosombo to react to a petition from the management and staff of the VLTC against the impending establishment of a new company to embark on a similar venture.

The statement said the 800 workers of the VLTC were up in arms against a threat from WORCON/BOST, a foreign company which received permit under curious circumstances to construct two badges during the previous regime, pointing out that this threatened to compete with VLTC in the transportation of fuel from the south to the north.

Mr Osei Sarpong, Managing Director of VLTC, said transportation of fuel to Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions and parts of the Brong Ahafo Region as well as some neighbouring landlocked countries provided about 70 per cent of the total income of the company. The rest of their services were social and generous crossing operations at their outstations like Kete Krachi, Dambai, Yeji, Adawso and other villages along the banks of the Volta Lake.

The statement said the minister also interacted with the paramount chiefs at Yeji and Konkomma in the Pru District of the Brong Ahafo Region where he gave the assurance that water transport, which was the mainstay of their economies, would be boosted. 03 Aug. 09

Source: GNA