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Government urged to regulate price of sheanuts

Wed, 23 Jul 2008 Source: GNA

Kperisi (U/W), July 23, GNA- Mr George Acheampong, official of EXOD Consult, Accra-based business advisory organization, on Monday appealed to government to regulate the price of sheanuts like it was currently doing for cocoa. He said any such move would help in eliminating contractors who over the years cheated pickers and sellers of the produce. Mr Acheampong made the call at a workshop, organised by Sunbawira Association and sponsored by BUSAC Fund, for about 300 sheanut pickers and sellers, at Kperisi in the Wa Municipality. The event was aimed at educating the participants on their rights and responsibilities, regarding the production of sheanuts. Mr Acheampong said the regulation of the price of sheanuts would encourage financial institutions and investors to grant loans to dealers in the produce without fear of encountering difficulties in recovering the funds.

Kperisi (U/W), July 23, GNA- Mr George Acheampong, official of EXOD Consult, Accra-based business advisory organization, on Monday appealed to government to regulate the price of sheanuts like it was currently doing for cocoa. He said any such move would help in eliminating contractors who over the years cheated pickers and sellers of the produce. Mr Acheampong made the call at a workshop, organised by Sunbawira Association and sponsored by BUSAC Fund, for about 300 sheanut pickers and sellers, at Kperisi in the Wa Municipality. The event was aimed at educating the participants on their rights and responsibilities, regarding the production of sheanuts. Mr Acheampong said the regulation of the price of sheanuts would encourage financial institutions and investors to grant loans to dealers in the produce without fear of encountering difficulties in recovering the funds. Alhaji Imoro Ayitey, Executive Director of Sunbawira Association, an agricultural and humanitarian non-governmental organisation, said communities in the Municipality were ready to release 400 hectares of land for sheanut plantations. He appealed to government to support any such initiative to create employment for the people, especially the youth, who were migrating to the Southern part of the country for menial jobs.

Source: GNA