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IRS to celebrate Revenue Week

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, April 21, GNA - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will celebrate the Fourth Revenue Week from Thursday, April 24 to Wednesday April 30, 2008.

A statement signed in Accra on Monday Joyce Amoah-Ntim, Assistant Commissioner, Public Relations, said the Revenue Week had been timed to coincide with the last week for the filing of tax returns. It will be on the theme: "Your Tax Returns - A Fair Way of Assessing Your Income to Tax."

The Internal Revenue Act 2000, Act 592 charges all income earners to file their tax returns for the previous Year of Assessment by April 30 every year.

The statement said the Revenue Week was thus celebrated to remind Ghanaians of the need to file their tax returns. Activities planned for the week include seminars, education on tax education throughout the country and donation to the Ghana Heart Foundation.

"The IRS urges all income earners to file their tax returns. It is expected that opinion leaders in society will file their tax returns to serve as example to others," it said.

Source: GNA