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Impact of Ghana 2008 tournament on tourism industry

Sat, 10 May 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, May 10, GNA- The Ghana Tourist Board (GTB) has concluded a survey which sought to monitor spending and hotel reservations during the Ghana 2008 soccer event and assess the impact of the tournament on the hospitality sector and its contribution to the national economy. The survey which was conducted during and after the tournaments sampled 130 accommodation establishments consisting of 3,706 rooms in Accra, Takoradi, Kumasi and Tamale as well as Cape Coast because of its proximity to Takoradi whose hotel stock was not enough to accommodate all teams.

Mrs Bridgette Katsriku, Chief Director of the Ministry of Tourism and Diasporan Relations, told the GNA that a total of 187 guests, made up of 87 percent male and 13 per cent female were interviewed. She said the survey indicated that four and five-star hotels (up-market hotels) had the highest occupancy rates at 91.4 percent followed by 3-star hotels at 90.5 percent.

"On average, the mid-level hotels, that is, 2-star hotels had a 68 percent occupancy rate. The performance of this category was mostly predicated on whether there were enough up-market hotels because at venues with little or no up-market hotels, the 2-star hotels, had higher occupancy than those venues with up-market hotels." Mrs Katsriku noted that the performance of the lower end hotels with the exception of 1-star hotels was relatively poor with average occupancy rate being 71.8 percent while Guest Houses occupancy was 65.3 percent and Budget hotels 50.9 percent. The overall occupancy rate for the four venues and Cape Coast was 78.8 percent.

According to the survey, sources of reservations were 42.6 percent by individuals, 19.8 by local travel agencies, 13.9 percent by corporate entities, 9.2 percent by government agencies, 8.8 percent by embassies in Ghana and 5.7 percent by others not included in the above mentioned names.

Length of stay for four and five - star hotels had 30 nights, three-stars had 42 nights, two -star had 32 nights, one-star had 20 nights, guest houses had 10 nights and Budget hotels had 15 nights. She said the respondents interviewed all intended to stay for about 16 nights and an average of USD$4,411.40 spending money per person.

Mrs Katsriku said if such an amount was spent, the economy could have benefited from about US$824,932 and explained that 34 percent of the income was spent on accommodation, 11 percent on food and beverage, 11 percent on transportation and eight percent on daily entertainment. The survey showed that 73 per cent of the respondents were Africans, 23 per cent Europeans, two per cent Asians and one percent each from South America and other countries.

The top five nationality who were in Ghana ranked from the highest were; Nigerians 13.9 percent, South Africans 10.7 percent, U.K 10.2 percent, Senegalese 9.1 percent and Beninois 8.6 percent. The Chief Director said the GTB trained a total of 5,367 food vendors in Greater Accra, Central, Western, Volta, Eastern, Ashanti and the Brong Ahafo regions in food preparation, personal hygiene, food handling, general hygiene, environmental sanitation and food conservation.

Mrs Katsriku said hosting of the African Cup of Nations has exposed the Ghana to the world and expressed hope that the country would continue to reap the benefits of hosting this important sporting activity in the years to come. 10 May 08

Source: GNA