
Internet penetration for 2G/3G users hits 92.76% - NCA

NCA LOGO (1) National Communications Authority

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 Source:

The penetration rate of internet users for 2G/3G stood at 92.76% at the end of December 2019.

According to the National Communication Authority’s latest telecommunication industry statistics, the total number of subscriptions for 4G Data was, however, 2,382,876.

MTN led the market with a share of 71.2%, representing 20,086,336 at the end of December 2019.

Vodafone followed with a market share of 12.64%.

The total number of subscriptions for Vodafone’s 2G/3G mobile data in December 2019 was 3,539,078.

AirtelTigo’s 2G/3G mobile data subscriptions for December 2019 was 4,110,972. Its market share for the month was 14.68%.

Glo recorded data subscriber figures of 269,153 at the end of December 2019, reflecting a market share of 0.96%.

For 4G subscription, MTN recorded a total of 2,173,862 subscriptions, followed by Vodafone with 161,892.

Surfline recorded subscriptions of 43,735 whilst Telesol registered 2,104.

Blu Ghana recorded a total subscription of 225 whereas Broadband Home recorded a total of 1,058 subscriptions.

Voice subscription

At the end of December 2019, the total number of mobile voice subscriptions was 40,857,077.

This represented a percentage increase of 1.70% from November 2019’s figure of 40,173,115.

The total penetration rate for the month under review was 135.33%.

MTN’s voice subscriptions for the period was 22,555,848 representing a percentage increase of 3.30% from November 2019’s figure of 21,835,073.

Its market share for the month under review was 55.21%.

Vodafone’s mobile voice subscriptions on the other hand decreased from 9,211,890 as at the end of November 2019 to 9,122,403 as at the end of December 2019. This represented a percentage decrease of 0.97%.

Vodafone’s market share for December 2019 was 22.33%.

AirtelTigo’s voice subscriptions however increased from 8,403,098 as at the end of November 2019 to 8,453,053 as at the end of December 2019, indicating a percentage increase of 0.59%.

Their market share for the month under review was 20.69% as compared to 20.92% in November 2019.

For Glo, voice subscriptions increased from 723,054 as at the end of November 2019 to 725,773 at the end of December 2019.

With a percentage increase of 0.38%, their total market share for the month under review was 1.78%.
