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Libyans in to explore investment opportunity

Thu, 28 Oct 2004 Source: GNA

Accra, Oct. 28, GNA - A three-man Libyan delegation, led by Dr. Gamel El Barq, Director-General of the Department of International Cooperation, is in Accra to follow-up on the Eighth Session of the Ghana-Libya Permanent Joint Commission for Cooperation, which was held in Accra in October last year.

A statement issued in Accra on Wednesday and signed by Mr. Damptey Asare, Office of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said the Ghana side in the discussion was led by Mr. Akwasi Osei-Adjei, Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Clement Eledi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, government officials and experts from the various Ministries and Agencies. The discussions focused on agriculture, trade and investment, energy and banking.

The statement said the delegation would meet President John Agyekum Kufuor in Kumasi on Thursday, October 28, 2004 for further discussions and to also inspect the City Hotel, which the Libyans had shown interest in for investment.

Source: GNA