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Minister settles score between trade groups

Thu, 17 Jan 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan. 17, GNA - The Kantamanto Rail-line Joint Traders Association (KRJTA) on Thursday resolved to solely work in partnership with Ghana Railway Company concerning the leasing and construction of stalls around the Kantamanto Rail-lines.

The settlement followed a prolonged misunderstanding between the group and the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA), an umbrella body of traders regarding who should spearhead the leasing and construction of stalls at the Katamanto Rail-lines. The meeting became possible as a result of concerns raised by some members of the Rail-line Joint Traders Association at the just ended People's Assembly held in Sekondi in the Western Region where the members implored President John Agyekum Kufuor to take action on the matter.

At a joint meeting by the two bodies with Professor Christopher Ameyaw- Akumfi, Minister of Harbours and Railways in his office in Accra, he enjoined them to regard themselves as traders fighting for a common goal.

Mr George Ofori, President, GUTA noted that the association had no foul intention to acquire the property without their consent. "GUTA has no foul intention it is for the common good of all traders".

He said GUTA unconditionally had decided to leave the management of the project to the Kantamanto traders who were the occupants. Mr Ofori said as a facilitating institution, they would offer any assistant to the traders.

Prof Ameyaw-Akumfi called on the traders to always exercise restraint in matters concerning their welfare and that squabble and bitterness did not help in development. The Minister encouraged them to pay their due directly to the Ghana Railway rather than to individuals. 17 Jan. 08

Source: GNA