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Ministry to sanction defaulting Travel Agencies

Thu, 26 Feb 2004 Source: GNA

Accra, Feb. 26, GNA- Dr. Richard Anane, Minister of Roads and Transport, Thursday said the rampant displacement and inconveniences that usually face Ghana Airways Customers was due to over-sale of tickets to such customers by some travels agents, and not over-booking. He said such travel agencies usually do not check with the Airline, whether there were seats available on flights before selling tickets to customers.

"We are continuously monitoring the activities of travel agencies in the country to ensure that they desisted from the practice of over-sale of tickets," he said. "We will sanction defaulting agencies when discovered."

The Minister was answering a question in Parliament posed by Mr. Seth Dankwa Wiafe, NPP-Akwapim South as to what plans the Ministry had to improve the services of Ghana Airways in respect of overbooking. Dr. Anane said whereas overbooking was a normal practice in the airline business employed to make up for passengers who do not show up for a particular flight, over sale was an illegal practice employed by travel agents just to make money from customers and inconvenience them in the process.

"In the past we have identified some Travel Agencies such as ATS and Prestige involved in over-sale and they have been sanctioned," he said.

Dr. Anane explained that in the case of overbooking, the ticket was usually not confirmed so the customer was aware that there were chances of him/her not getting a seat, but with over-sale the Travel Agent usually assured the customer of a seat without consulting the airline. The Minister said the airline industry average for overbooking is about 20 to 30 per cent, depending on the season, adding that the figure corresponded to the average number of passengers who usually did not show up for one reason or the other.

He said the policy at Ghana Airways now, is not to overbook in the peak period, as the "no-show" rates were very minimal.

Dr. Anane said the Customer Service Department of the Ghana Airways has also been established to re-orientate the frontline staff on the need for excellent quality customer care, especially during occasions when passengers are displaced or inconvenienced.

Source: GNA