
MoFA launches farmer based website

Thu, 11 Sep 2014 Source: GNA

The Ministry of Food and Agriculture on Wednesday, launched a farmer based organisation (FBO) website, to provide statistical information on activities and products of specific farmer groups and organisations.

The website: ’ is part of a two -year farmer based organisation capacity development project launched in 2012.

The project is a grant of 1.4 million Australia dollar funded by Australia through the Australia Africa partnership facility.

Mr Fiifi Fiavi Kwetey, sector Minister, who performed the ceremony said, a total of 939 agricultural extension officers have been trained in contemporary agricultural extension delivery methods, agriculture management, value chain analysis and management and post-harvest management in the 10 regions, to enhance the capacity of extension staff to facilitate services to FBOs.

He said 1,100 copies of manuals on the project have been printed and distributed, whilst 30 FBO Apex organisation representatives from Yilo Krobo Farmer Association, Ghana Federation of Tomato, Ghana National Association of Poultry Farmers, Ghana Agriculture Association and Ghana Federation of Agriculture producers’ network were trained.

Mr Kwetey said 15 extension staff and five representatives of Apex bodies went to Australia in March 2013 for training to expose them to good practices in setting up and managing economically viable farmer based organisation/producer associations and apex bodies.

He said an expected outcome from the FBO website is the enhancement of productivity and incomes as well as actors along commodity specific agricultural value chain.

Madam Zabeta Moutafis, First Secretary, Development Cooperation at the Australian High Commission said her country supports other aspects of agriculture in Ghana.

She said the examples include innovation platforms developed and tested by Australia’s Science Agency CSIRO, and CORAF/WECARD, a regional body overseeing agricultural research for development in West Africa.

CSIRO and CORAF work with the Crop Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Kumasi to improve communication and networking along the value chain.

She said Australia has provided 60 scholarships in masters, doctorate and short courses to Ghanaians to further their knowledge in agriculture, indicating that the window is opened online from September 1 to the end of the year.

Mr Gabriel Owusu, Coordinator of FBO, showcasing data on the website said it is linked to other websites with information on agribusiness, adding that FBO activities could be found by visiting sites on commodities in the regions and districts.

Source: GNA