A Japan trained horticulture expert of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Mrs. Rogatta Antwi-Baadu has organised a workshop on Soil Solarisation to control soil-borne diseases in vegetable nurseries at the Ministries’ office in Abokobi, Accra.
Her presentation was on how to control soil-borne diseases in vegetable using solarisation. She touched on the use of plastic sheets for solarisation. “The sheets should have a transparent color for heating.” She then demonstrated the solarisation for nursery soil.
Mr. Hayashi from JICA Ghana Office added: “I appreciate Mrs. Antwi-Baadu’s presentation. It was good and educative. She went to Japan for training and she has shared what she learnt with vegetable farmers in this community. I hope all participants will spread this knowledge to other farmers.”
Mrs. Antwi-Baadu had horticulture training in Japan and Kenya. The workshop was to share her knowledge to farmers and extension staff.