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Mrs Amissah-Arthur inaugurates Karela Beach Resort

Matilda Amissah Arthur

Mon, 29 Dec 2014 Source: GNA

Mrs Matilda Amissah-Arthur, the second lady has inaugurated the Karela Beach Resort facility at Beyin in the Jomoro District and commended management for promoting tourism through the hospitality industry.

She said the initiative of Karela Resort would help attract more tourists to visit the Nzulezu village by using the facility.

“We must help the management of Karela Resort to achieve their mission and vision by ensuring that the facility is given the needed support,” Mrs Amissah-Authur said.

She also called on the various agencies in the hospitality industry to put in place measures that seeks to promote their investments and would help attract more tourists and investors to the area.

On her part, Mrs Abena Brigidi, a Director of the four -star hotel, gave the assurance that Karela Resort would focused on serving its clients with the best services irrespective of their offer and demands.

“Karela is committed to attracting all clients to experience the best services from our dedicated and hardworking staff,” she said.

Mrs Brigidi said the more than 40-room capacity facility, would serve as a “home out of home” for tourists across the world with its ultramodern luxurious facilities.

“There is tangible evidence that we are delivering on the commitments made by Karela Beach Resort and we call on all to support our good course to help raise the quality of standard of the tourism industry in the rural part of the Western Region” she said.

Awulae Annor Adjaye III, Omanhene of Western Nzema Traditional Council, lauded the move by the Management of the Resort to promote Nzemaland through tourism and said professionalism must be the hall mark of the staff towards clients.

He also advised the youth to take their education and vocation seriously to help position them to earn good jobs to boost the rapid development of Nzemaland.

Awulae Annor Adjaye, who also chaired the ceremony asked management of the facility to exhibit their best skills in their daily duties to complement the facility’s slogan “the Jewel of Amanzule”.

Karela Beach Resort is located at Beyin, near the junction to Nzulezu, two kilometres away from the Ghana Gas Processing Plant at Atuobo in the Ellembelle District.

It has a 250 capacity conference hall which could be used for all levels of meetings as a business centre.

The facility, which is open to the Atlantic Ocean with natural white sand beach would render both surfing services to clients as well as provide boat rides to Nzulezo for both clients and tourists.

It also has two restaurants, a swimming pool, a bar and a grill hut.

Source: GNA