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NLC meets doctors, Fair Wages Commission

Fri, 18 Sep 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept. 18, GNA - The National Labour Commission (NLC) on Thursday met the leadership of the Ghana Medical Association (GMA) and the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission as it began arbitration proceedings to resolve the deadlock over negotiations for salary increase for public sector doctors.

The arbitration has been prompted by the deadlock in the negotiations early this month between the GMA and Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, which represents government in negotiations with public sector workers on terms and conditions of service. A statement signed by Mr Mohammed Affum, Public Relations Officer of NLC, gave no details of the negotiations.

The GMA had demanded 12 per cent increase over their current salaries but the fair Wages and Salaries Commission's position stood at 10 per cent.

Following the deadlock, the GMA wrote to the NLC for compulsory arbitration to resolve the dispute.

The NLC determines industrial disputes involving workers and employers in the essential services by compulsory arbitration without going through mediation.

The statement said the NLC had 14 days to complete the arbitration proceedings and come out with its decision, which shall constitute the award. The health sector forms part of the essential services where strikes and lockouts are prohibited by the Labour Act. 18 Sept. 09

Source: GNA