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Over GHC11 million spent to boost economic activities in Ashanti

John Alexander Ackon John Alexander Ackon, Regional Minister

Fri, 29 Jul 2016 Source: GNA

The government has within the last three years spent in excess of GH¢11.3 million to boost economic activities in the Ashanti Region.

Mr. John Alexander Ackon, the Regional Minister, said it involved the construction of markets and lorry terminals.

He was addressing a public forum held in Kumasi, dubbed “Government for the people”, to highlight the development achievements and efforts being made to transform the living conditions of the people.

These covered the areas of education, agriculture, health, water and sanitation, security, roads and communication.

It also provided the platform to discuss identified development challenges and the way forward.

Mr. Ackon indicated that the region had enormous business potentials and said everything would be done to fully exploit these to create wealth and jobs for the people.

The government would continue to build the infrastructure to support economic growth.

On education, the Regional Minister said tremendous progress had been made to promote both access and quality, citing the construction of dormitories, classroom blocks, assembly halls, information and communication technology (ICT) centres, and teachers’ accommodation.

He touched on rural electrification and hinted that about 150 communities had benefited from the electricity expansion project.

He said about 85 per cent of communities in the region currently enjoyed electricity.

Source: GNA