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Poor smallholders farmers benefit from project

Cover Woman Farmer File photo

Mon, 7 Sep 2015 Source: GNA

The Canadian Feed The Children (CFTC) and the Association of Church-based Development (ACDEP), have been working with more than 5,600 poor smallholders farmers to increase and diversify their production in the Upper West Region.

The 19 million Canadian Dollar Resilient and Sustainable Livelihood Transformation (RESULT) project would benefit about 70 per cent women and widows, from 58 communities in the Lawra and Jirapa districts to improve on their sources of income, and establish new income opportunities including aquaculture to enhance their livelihoods.

The Canadian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development is financing the six years project, which would improve the skills and knowledge of vulnerable farmers and increase their access to inputs, improved technology, financial services and markets.

Madam Gail Motsi, CFTC’s Project Director of RESULT in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), said the project would integrate gender equality and environmental management in areas of operation.

It activities would also be integrated into medium term and annual work plans and budgets of the district assemblies, as part of the mainstreaming district assembly ownership and sustainability process.

Mr Malex Alebikiya, ACDEP Executive Director who also spoke to the GNA said the project had increased the use of certified seeds and improved and sustainable agronomic practices by both male and female farmers in the two districts.

He said construction of livestock houses, vaccination of animals, access to crop and animal extension services as well as maize and groundnuts yields had increased and quality improved.

Mr Alebikiya, there had been a drastic reduction rate in goats and sheep deaths, and brought about literacy skills improvement among farmers who hitherto had no formal education.

Dry season gardening among the farmers had also increased, while access to regular weather forecasts, agricultural produces pricing information and buyers enhanced.

The ACDEP Director said through the creation of 57 Village Saving and Loans Associations, saving and loans had improved while alternative income generating activities such as soap making, shea butter processing, ground processing and beekeeping also improved.

Mr Alebikiya said delivery of community-based gender equality, nutrition education and environmental management campaigns had benefited the people and improving on their living standards.

Source: GNA