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Pozzolana Cement to sack workers, shutdown over 'dumsor'

Pozzolana File photo

Mon, 18 Jul 2016 Source:

The management of Pozzolana Cement Plant is considering a redundancy exercise or shutting down the company briefly following the effects of power outages on its operations.

According to Production Manager of the company, Collins Opoku Gyan, the company could not continue paying salaries of workers at a time it is not making profits due to the unstable power supply.

“We have workers that we have employed and paying them, if there is no light, we can’t work. We have to pay them too, so it is costing the company a lot. If nothing is being done about it, the best thing is that we have to sack the workers, close the company so that we will have our peace,” Gyan told Accra-based TV3.

Commercial Manager of the company, Mr. Yaw Peprah, added that “the electricity situation is very bad at the moment, we pay GHS25,000 a month to the electricity company of Ghana for the energy that we use.

"Unfortunately, the supply is not stable, when we are doing the test and the electricity goes off, the whole test gets spoilt because we have to restart it all over.”

Government has blamed the power situation on Nigeria’s inability to supply crude oil to Ghana.

“We are having some problems with even crude supply that we have paid for [Nigeria]. They have not been able to deliver the crude,” Deputy Power Minister John Jinapor had said.
