
RE: Unilever And Graduate Recruitment In Ghana

Tue, 7 Jun 2011 Source: Unilever

The Unilever Future Leaders Program (UFLP)

Unilever’s key strengths are its brands and its people. The Unilever Future Leaders’ Program (UFLP) is one of the platforms used to develop fresh graduates to enable them take up management positions within 3 years of their employment. It is aimed at ensuring that the company continually builds a strong pool of talent to lead the business in delivering its future growth ambitions. The UFLP is a global program and can be found in countries where Unilever operates.


In selecting MTs, Unilever Ghana looks for Ghanaian graduates who demonstrate the potential of being able to combine their intellectual strength with strong team working and leadership competencies. They may be currently residing and studying here at home or may be residing and studying abroad. It is open to all such graduates provided they fit the following profile:

• Must be Ghanaian. (non-Ghanaians are referred the Program in the candidate’s home country) • Must have a minimum of Second Class Upper Division • Must not have more than 1 year work experience after completion of National Service • Must not be more than 26 years old at the time of applying for the program • It is open to all courses. However, being a Manufacturing and Marketing organization, Engineering, Business Management, Accounting and Marketing are key skill areas. Candidates who meet the profile outlined above are taken through the following four-phased process of the UFLP scheme: 1. An online application screening 2. An online Aptitude test 3. A face-to-face competency based interview 4. A face-to-face assessment for both overseas and local candidates

JUSTIFICATION FOR INCLUDING GHANAIAN GRADUATES FROM ABROAD IN THE UFLP Unilever Ghana believes that building talent through its UFLP also helps to build a strong human resource pool for the country. Where such resource is attracted from is not so much the focus as the fact that they are Ghanaian and will put their skills and competencies to the use of the country through their contribution to industry. For example; many Unilever Ghana trained managers are today found in many key leadership positions of key organizations in the country.

Unilever Ghana will therefore continue to provide the platform to train, develop and equip young graduates to become competent future leaders. In so doing, it will open its doors to ALL young Ghanaian graduates irrespective of where they live and were educated. The company’s interest and focus will remain on the attraction and training of young graduates for the good of the country. If such graduates happen to come from abroad, the company is happy to be the conduit through which they return home to apply the skills and competencies they acquired abroad to improving the lot of the country.

Source: Unilever