
Reduce taxes on energy - AGI to government

AGI TAXES File photo

Thu, 14 Jul 2016 Source:

The chairperson of the Brong Ahafo and Ashanti regional branch of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), Gyamfua Owusu Achaw, has called on government to reduce taxes on energy.

She said the move will alleviate the plight of Ghanaians from the current energy crises the country has been faced with.

According to Achaw, the high cost of electricity is putting so much stress on industries in the Brong Ahafo and Ashanti regions hence the need for government to reduce taxes on energy.

She said they are educating their members on how they could conserve energy in order to break even so that their companies would not collapse which could add up to the already high unemployment rate in the country.

“Government is yet to come out with modalities for the relief, we are grateful to government but we feel government can do more or better to still remove most of the energy taxes,” Achaw stressed.
