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Six organizations donate towards National Farmers' Day

Thu, 9 Sep 2004 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept. 9, GNA - Six companies on Thursday donated a number of items to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, towards the celebration of this year's National Farmers' Day, which falls on December 3. The donation by SG-SSB, Unique Insurance Company, Sea Freight, Frank Gadson Limited, Dunkwa, Continental Goldfields and Caitec Delta, followed a request by the Ministry.

SG-SSB presented a cheque for 40 million cedis, Caitec Delta, dealers in agricultural products, donated 20 television sets, three bales of fishing nets and five million cedis.

Sea Freight, a pineapple exporting company, gave 10 million cedis and Frank Gadson Limited presented a motor sprayer and a cash of five million cedis.

Dunkwa Continental Goldfields presented a tractor with implements, valued at 170 million cedis, Unique Insurance Company gave a 50 million-cedi, personal accident policy, to the national best farmer to be adjudged and a cash of 10 million cedis. Major Courage Quashigah (rtd), The sector Minister, thanked the companies for responding to the request. 09 Sept. 04

Source: GNA