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'Take all revenues from entry points and leave us alone' - Kumasi traders to government

24937424 Executive Secretary of the Ashanti Business Community, Charles Kusi Appiah-Kubi

Thu, 13 Oct 2022 Source:

Traders in the Ashanti regional capital - Kumasi - have called on government to take all revenues at the point of entry of goods and desist from harassing traders with other taxes. According to the Executive Secretary of the Ashanti Business Community, Charles Kusi Appiah-Kubi, the business community was poised to pay corporate income tax and Pay As You Earn. However, traders can no longer pay Value Added Tax (VAT) to government. Mr Appiah-Kubi added that it is about time government finds more innovative ways to collect taxes for the betterment of the country. Speaking at a press conference in Kumasi on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, he said, “Government should take all its revenue from the points of entry. Take all the charges you want to charge at the point of entry or at the manufacturing and leave us alone." “We are ready to pay our corporate income tax and our Pay As You Earn (PAYE), but we can’t pay the VAT again,” the Executive Secretary of Ashanti Business Community stressed. On Monday, October 10, 2022, some traders in Kumasi locked up their shops in protest of the frequent depreciation of the cedi. They also cited the high cost of doing business and the collection of exorbitant taxes by the government as some reasons for the protest against the government. According to the traders within the central business district, the demonstration will last for three days. They explained that the protest also aims to kick against the decision by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) to station their officers at each shop to record Value Added Tax (VAT) on products they sell. ESA/FNOQ

Traders in the Ashanti regional capital - Kumasi - have called on government to take all revenues at the point of entry of goods and desist from harassing traders with other taxes. According to the Executive Secretary of the Ashanti Business Community, Charles Kusi Appiah-Kubi, the business community was poised to pay corporate income tax and Pay As You Earn. However, traders can no longer pay Value Added Tax (VAT) to government. Mr Appiah-Kubi added that it is about time government finds more innovative ways to collect taxes for the betterment of the country. Speaking at a press conference in Kumasi on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, he said, “Government should take all its revenue from the points of entry. Take all the charges you want to charge at the point of entry or at the manufacturing and leave us alone." “We are ready to pay our corporate income tax and our Pay As You Earn (PAYE), but we can’t pay the VAT again,” the Executive Secretary of Ashanti Business Community stressed. On Monday, October 10, 2022, some traders in Kumasi locked up their shops in protest of the frequent depreciation of the cedi. They also cited the high cost of doing business and the collection of exorbitant taxes by the government as some reasons for the protest against the government. According to the traders within the central business district, the demonstration will last for three days. They explained that the protest also aims to kick against the decision by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) to station their officers at each shop to record Value Added Tax (VAT) on products they sell. ESA/FNOQ

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