
Tewu suggests ways to boost economy

Economy Sign File photo

Tue, 19 Jan 2016 Source: GNA

Mr Ralph Apaaya, General Secretary of Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union (TEWU) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), has observed that heavy investment in agriculture would in future reverse any downward trend in the economy.

He said it would also lead to export driven economy and whatever revenue accrued would remain in Ghana.

Mr Apaaya in an interview with the GNA suggested that investment in agriculture would largely reduce the country’s over reliance on imports which rather benefited other economies from which imports were made.

He affirmed support for any action leading to exposure and prosecution of corrupt officials whose conducts put the general public especially workers under financial stress.

Mr Apaaya therefore charged workers to be bold and expose those who were guilty of such misconduct.

Source: GNA