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Tigo appeals to its customers to register their SIM cards

Tue, 18 May 2010 Source: GNA

Sunyani, May 18, GNA - Mr. Yussif Mohammed, the Brong-Ahafo Regional Manager of Millicom Ghana Limited, operators of Tigo, has appealed to the company's customers who have not regi stered their SIM cards to do so to minimize stealing of mobile phones.

He said registration of the SIM card would also enable the company to disseminate information to its customers.

"If your SIM card is registered and somebody steals your mobile phone the person cannot use the phone since all your particulars and other relevant information is available in our offices", Mr. Mohammed said. He was speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview after the company had held a value creation summit for some students of the Sunyani Polytechnic in Sunyani.

Mr. Mohammed said mobile phone theft had become alarming and that it was the responsibility of mobile phone users to complement the efforts of service providers to bring the situation under control. He said a Millicom subscriber base in the Brong-Ahafo Region stood at 200,000 and that its network covered all 22 municipals and districts in the region. 18 May 10

Source: GNA