
US senator to campaign for investments in Africa

Fri, 21 May 1999 Source: --

Accra (Greater Accra), 21st May 99 ?

American Republican Senator, Jack Kemp, on Thursday pledged to persuade white American entrepreneurs on the need to increase their investments in Africa.

Acknowledging Africa's marginalisation in global economic and political affairs as against her abundant socio-economic potential, Senator Kemp said it is time for white American businessmen to turn their attention to Africa.

Mr Kemp was addressing a luncheon at the Fifth African-African American Summit in Accra under the theme, "Business, Trade and Investment".

More than 4,000 African and African-American politicians and businessmen are attending the five-day summit.

Mr Kemp said he attended the summit at his own expense out of the conviction that Africa is not home only to blacks, but to all humanity and, therefore, the continent's welfare should be the concern of all.

He said he would work to get Republicans in the US senate to support the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act and press the American government to relieve Africa's debt burden.

The US senator also promised to be a "voice among white Americans for the institution of a Marshal Plan to fight AIDS and other diseases affecting Africa".

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