
Ya-na Assures Prospective Investors Of Peace

Mon, 20 Oct 1997 Source: --

Yendi, 17 Oct.,

Yendi, 17 Oct., The Ya-Na Yakubu Andani the second, paramount chief of the Dagomba traditional area has assured prospective investors to the northern region of a peaceful environment. He said the 1994 ethnic conflict is a matter of the past and said it will never be repeated. Ya-Na Andani gave the assurance when a team of army officers from the Royal College of Defence Studies, London on tour of some African countries paid a courtesy call on him at his palace at Yendi yesterday. He commended the British High Commission in Ghana for assisting a number of communities with their development projects through Action Aid, a British non-governmental organisation and appealed to other friendly countries to emulate them. The team leader, Major General Peter Chambers in reply said he is leading the team on a fact-finding mission to Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Mozambique. Major General Chambers said throughout their rounds they have received warm hospitality in Ghana and he commended the government, the Ya-Na and his chiefs and all those who assisted in bringing about peace to the ethnic conflict in the region.

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