
More controversy over GNPC-AGM deal

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  • Kofi 11 years ago

    How could Government of Ghana(GNPC) sign an agreement with a particular entity which they don't even know.Its like signing an agreement with the devil,this deal really stink like pooo!.

  • Kwamena 11 years ago

    It is clear from the above story who owns AGM Ghana. I don't understand what ownership Amin Adam is seeking.

  • Kofi 11 years ago

    For example, AGM Ghana is owned by AGM Gibraltar. AGM Gibraltar is owned by AGR, Minexco OGG and MED Songhai Developers. Minexco OGG is owned by WA Natural Resources and Minexco Petroleum, also registered in Gibraltar. So it ...
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  • michael 11 years ago

    the matter of GNPC and AGM Ghana smells of corruption and must be properly investigated .

  • Blackman4 11 years ago

    One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to decipher the deal wasn't meant to benefit the country. Common sense and patriotism dictate you don't enter into any deal with any company whose very existence is shadowy and can cr ...
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  • Kofi of Africa 11 years ago

    I have been pointing out in many articles how Ghana's commodity and industrial resources are being exploited and depleted by foreign Trans-National Corporations (TNCs).

    This post exemplifies details of how register under ...
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