
Ghana risks losing huge oil tax revenues

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  • Vuvuzela 10 years ago

    As if, like so many other controversial tax situations already, there aren't any holes in the oil tax laws.

    Just asking: So when are we going to do anything right?

  • akora oteng 10 years ago

    It is sad that the Western coys. come to Africa to drain our resources and make it quite impossible for us to Develope. This is Neo- Colonisation. Our Politicians should really avoid such companies which are exploitative and ...
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  • DAN 10 years ago

    untill you have the ability to do 100% of work you will not get 100% of revenue...Nothing comes free, remember even a whore charge a price for her pussy! So if you want free you have to give yourself a hand job! Where is Shel ...
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  • Leticia 10 years ago

    I think the basic fact is, these Oil companies should pay their share of tax in Ghana irrespective of where they are incorporated. The tax to be paid by the companies should be based on revenues and salaries allocation in Gha ...
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  • Sankofa 10 years ago

    I concord with your sentiments. We need to stengthen the law and scrutinise the books of these oil companies retrospectively.

    they must fulfill all their tax obligations. We need the money.

  • Franklin Ofori. 10 years ago

    Dear Mr. Mohammed Amin Adam, of ACEP. Thanks for this REFRESHING Information, about potential ABUSES of TAX-REVENUES
    from Ghana's OIL.
    Please make sure to SEND copies of your article to Mr. Mahama, the President of Ghana, H ...
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  • DAN 10 years ago

    this thief of president is already getting his cut to be quiet!

  • GREAT NANA ANTWI 10 years ago


  • Sankofa 10 years ago

    We must legislate for all the companies working in our oil and gas industry to open their books to independent audit to ascertain their tax obligations annually.

    We must also ensure that they disclose their owners and whe ...
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  • Otsibu Darko 10 years ago

    That's the way politicians make their money/wealth, in collaboration with the companies; do you think they care about us, you must be joking, Ghana would have been one of the great countries to be reckoned with industrially i ...
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