
World Bank may support African coal power

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  • Military Man 10 years ago

    How about the inherent health and environmental issues associated with coal-burning power plants?

    We are already overwhelmed by a lot of diseases we don't have a good grip on and now there's the possibility of exposing the ...
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  • DAN 10 years ago

    Germany is now afraid of nuclear after seeing what happen in they are trying to shut down all nuclear plants and replace them with coal or gas..reports on net claim most coal exports from usa go to Germany or China!

  • syncopa 10 years ago

    That's right! We know you Westerners hate our unpolluted skies! Why not invest such amounts in Hydro-electricity? Solar? Gas turbines? All this is being funded so American companies can sell energy-made-in-Africa to Africans. ...
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  • DAN 10 years ago

    maybe in bush..But the first morning i was in Ghana i woke to smell of rubbish burning...Then you have people that are recycling fridges and computers burning plastic to get at copper and aluminum!!! plus all the shit(feces) ...
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  • Military Man 10 years ago

    I'm not sure how old you are but Ghana used to be very clean when we had the public pit toilets in towns and cities and what we used to call the 'tankas' (workers from the town / city councils) cleaning our streets and gutter ...
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  • P.K.M. 10 years ago

    you hit the nail right on the head. brilliant idea! it will also help prevent diseases like cholera, malaria and also flooding that are caused by heaps of garbage left in towns because there are no damping sites.

  • The Trucker 10 years ago


    from Global Exchange


    The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in 1994, shortly before the end of World War II, at a conference in Bretton ...
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  • Military Man 10 years ago

    Ok.Here is a good piece from someone who knows the inner workings of the WORLD BANK and the IMF.

    Now let's see if anyone can debunk this well put-together insight and tell us why Ghana shouldn't stop all negotiations with ...
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  • KING LOMOTEY 10 years ago

    You failed to answer the question:
    Go with fossil fuels or low carbon renewable sources of emery ?

  • mensah abrampa 10 years ago

    Forget it. Are we needy and stupid too? Let's look before we leap. Check out info from the US and even China on the dangers to health and the environment from coal mines. We have enough health problems already.

  • Haile Mengistus Manasseh V11 10 years ago

    Coal power for what? Another Environmental Colonization Strategy. Why is China is China switching from Coal to natural gas? Why is the US Grandfathering is existing coal plants? Coal fired plants are the greatest source of CO ...
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  • P.K.M. 10 years ago

    Folks am happy to learn about your awareness of the serious environmental effect of the use of coal to generate power for national consumption. But are you also aware that 'our own' Asogli in collaboration with its Chinese pa ...
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  • Ibn Abudu 10 years ago

    This semi blind have insulted Africans & our stupid leaders .

    Only dirty fuel good 4 Africa.
    Does he know the impact of C2mO4 Carbon monoxide , dioxide on the environment or not ?

  • KING LOMOTEY 10 years ago

    CO2 - is carbon dioxide
    CO - is cabon monoxide.