
Banks fear defaults

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  • Wiafe 10 years ago

    If the headwinds in the economy continue--its likely default rates may go higher and cause some banks to fold. Does the BOG have any measures in place to help the banks with these high default rates?

  • DAN 10 years ago

    Did they check hard to make people really had jobs? Did they ask what previous debt they had..And with Ghana having no address's or social security numbers do they really know who they dealing with? Thats the purpose of credi ...
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  • Nana Adwoa Maryland 10 years ago

    Dan I agree with you I think the critical issues is the database of the populace and identification.
    On the previous debt I do know as a matter of fact that a software being used by a major bank Iknow can with ssf number pro ...
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  • DAN 10 years ago

    what makes you think Ghana bonds are safe

  • MrBoit 10 years ago

    Research based on 6 out of 28 banks? A whole IEA? What a joke

  • Swapna Guduru 10 years ago

    You are soaked with ignorance, my friend. You cannot research using the whole population or everyone involved in the entity. Get some education, PAL.