
Estate developer chides gov’t over housing shortage

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  • Paapidi 9 years ago

    Why must the government purchase homes for the police, immigration officers, and the military as this fool, Sarpong, is suggesting? Communist thinking at its best!

  • James in exile 9 years ago

    Useless government of a gold country.

  • lidlgh 9 years ago

    I hate it when weak leader express their myopic views. This is real opportunity for business not the government. I agree with government guarantees though.

  • Buduh 9 years ago

    I have been reading about the housing deficit in Ghana as 1, 700,000 for over a very long time now. Is this figure fixed? It does not change with population growth? Every time I read about housing deficit, it is 1, 700, 000. ...
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  • OBI 9 years ago

    No wonder we keep having the same problems in this country. the deficit as it stands today is 1.7 million. so if we build 170,000 homes a year it will take us 10 yrs. what will be the deficit by then? Estate developer indeed ...
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  • OBI 9 years ago

    No wonder we keep having the same problems in this country. the deficit as it stands today is 1.7 million. so if we build 170,000 homes a year it will take us 10 yrs. what will be the deficit by then? Estate developer indeed ...
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