
Too much freebies harmful – Economist

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  • Kwame 8 years ago

    This Professor lives on Mars the fact, rather than fiction is that countries which citizens draw free water, have free education and health care are on top of the world living, health and education index. Our mineral resource ...
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  • Kwame 8 years ago

    Kofi Akordor's Trump on recolonising of Africa is not intellectual. Some years ago we took Kofi Akordor on his article "The Old Story" in which he supported Dr. Watts theory that the Negro is inferior to the Blanco.
    Kofi Ak ...
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  • George 8 years ago

    You are right Prof.We've to realize as citizens that we owe more to the development of the country than the country owe to us.
    The earlier we stop spoon feeding Ghanaian s the better it'll be for all.

  • Kofi 8 years ago

    Fancy going to Ghana with ones 10 fimgers your own family will reject you. They love the freebies whether wihtin the family or business. Everyone wants freebies etc.

  • edi 8 years ago