
'Save our businesses in 2016'

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  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago

    Go to Change.Org and sign the petition so Ghana can get a fair share of oil resources worth billions of dollars.

    Sign the petition:

    Go to:

    Thanks ...
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  • Asempa 8 years ago

    What is the point to get more revenue for it to go straight into the pockets of president and his cohorts? Its a noble but a meaningless course to fight for currently. Our main problem is our broken government not some share ...
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  • United Ghana 8 years ago

    I share your sentiments, but, it's the least we can do. We've got to let the idiots running the country know that not all Ghanaians are blind sycophants & are prepared to hold them to account when the chance arises.

  • Asempa 8 years ago

    No. You don't share my sentiment. You go ahead and fight for more money to benefit our wicked politicians OK.

  • Asempa 8 years ago

    United Ghana, you don't share my sentiment at all. I'm saying we should fight for good governance instead of chasing money that will benefit politicians, the same people who caused and continue to cause us this kind of financ ...
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  • Ronny cool 8 years ago

    Thanks uncle you woo good

  • Ronny cool 8 years ago

    N.p.p is comin