
Foh-Amoaning must apologize to Amnesty Int. Board Chair - IDEC

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  • Odum 7 years ago


  • inercycl 7 years ago

    Amoaning says it is a disgrace to be homosexual, according to his screwed face and mind, so if he calls someone a disgrace he should apologize to them.Problem is that politicians are using this topic as a distraction to hide ...
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  • Dee 7 years ago

    Are you one of them???

  • AGBESI KWESI 7 years ago

    Pieces of intelligence I am gathering indicate that there is a plan to reenact the Charles Antwi episode on Nana Akufo Addo. The aim is to equalize and put fear in the NPP so that the current NPP administration will be dis ...
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  • Truth 7 years ago

    I can see you are a homosexual. May God have mercy on your soul

  • Lawrence Sackey 7 years ago

    Infantile analysis. He should resign because he's against your group, abi ? The practice is an abomination and should be given no space in society. Only morally corrupt and reprobate minds would support this silly practice.

  • Gh nie 7 years ago

    if someone says its a disgrace to your family to be rich. ..shd we apologize. ...since mr Aggrey says homosexuality is good ..he n his family shd go into it first...Ghanaians ll join later wai not now

  • Koki 7 years ago

    What a shame! Another disappointing and miserable attempt to defend and promote the foolish act of homosexuality!

  • Kofimensah 7 years ago

    Perfect reasoning. If he likes gayism and defends it why should it be an insult if someone says he is also gay.

  • Kwasi Mensah 7 years ago

    There are a lot of problems in the country to be solved but unfortunately Ghanaians, even the so-called educated ones don't seen to have clue and wasting time on non-issues.
    What business has anybody got to do with what 2 ad ...
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  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Why should anybody care about what two adults do behind closed doors. I mean NOBODY can control that anyway. Only if we install in EVERY bedroom a camera. But I am sure NOBODY in Ghana wants to be controlled like that. So thi ...
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  • Maka a maka 7 years ago

    I AM GAY, you can fuck another man's anus or allow another man to fuck your anus. Who cares as long as you keep that to yourselves in the privacy of your rooms. But don't insist on shoving the detestable practice down the th ...
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  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Hey my friend Maka, that is all I want. I don't need to show off in public or need to marry. I accept and understand that people don't wanna see it. So I'm totally fine with what you said. I'm glad we could talk. There should ...
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  • kululu 7 years ago

    Is he also so foolish to come to the defence of the indefensible? People don't have to hide behind institutions like amnesty to say foolish things. academic scholarship has gone the way of fools who think they know everythin ...
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  • yoo 7 years ago

    it wouldn't be any body's business if these gays will do it only in close come with a whole package. ...they ll later say they need right to adopt children...washrooms or toilet in our schools and company or public ...
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  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Yoo I do understand your critics. But all we want is living our life. We don't need our own washroom. And why should I want a renovated toilet? We know we represent a minority of Ghanaians. So we accept the parliament. Even w ...
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  • Dee k 7 years ago

    A very foolish boy

  • Michael 7 years ago

    IDEC stay clear. Nobody govt or organization can impose homosexuality and lesbianism and Ghana. It will not happen

  • Okukuseku 7 years ago

    being the son of a former Presbyterian Reverend Minister Foh-Amoaning should have been taught by his father that we live in a fallen world and that man has been in the flesh since Adam and we need Jesus christ to lift us from ...
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  • Dee 7 years ago

    Not in this case please, it didn't start with that harshness from the start of the programme. To the hardened heart, let the truth penetrate into his heard. What did Jesus, when the people were selling in the church, He has t ...
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  • Okukuseku 7 years ago

    Dee, the bible states that Jesus drove them with a whip not beat them. Driving sth away is not the same as hitting the thing. When a fly lands ON YOUR FOOD, you drive it away without touching it.

  • Truth 7 years ago

    God bless you for being truthful. It is written " Woe unto those who call evil good and good what is good they call evil"

  • Kofi K 7 years ago

    Is the Board Chair a white man? If not, let me add more insults and curses to him: You are very stupid. May God punish you for going against his ways and supporting MADNESS.

  • inercycl 7 years ago

    Whose God are you inferring here though? The God from the western world or "the African God" if we have one! African minds are screwed indeed.The one who introduced you to the God you believe in, and wrote your first Constitu ...
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  • Dee 7 years ago

    To the Christian, there is no constitution but only one "the Bible". Therefore whatever this Book frowns on, the Christian has to desist from partaking in it. It is the source of all human constitutions.

  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Inercircle, we are following western religions and anti homosexual cultures from the old west too and believe they're our own. Ghana, let's wake up and step ahead and build up our own future. For a better country where we all ...
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  • Kayj 7 years ago

    How many do we have? another fool. Stick your homosexual anus fucking god. Our God is the one the Bible is about. He is not an European or American, he belongs to anyone who accepts his teachings. Live to learn.

  • Idrisu 7 years ago

    That is true. Aminternational must'nt only try to impose gayism in Ghana but must not be not be seen to be trying.

  • inercycl 7 years ago

    Muslims marrying kids and having sex with them.Which is more criminal?

  • fact facter on Febrary 25:2017:08;11 7 years ago

    inercycl. you can't compare Christianity to Islam. Christianity is a business group is a man made religion Jesus didnt waship God that way ok? NOW your fucking amnesty must apologise to GOD"INERCYCL you are a fool stupid idio ...
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  • Lawrence Sackey 7 years ago

    If there's something you don't understand in your Qur'an consult the bible.

  • Kayj 7 years ago

    So what is your point? Has your religion made you perfect? For you to know one religion is superior to the other? So why dont pack your bags and go and meet your seventy - two girl friends at Al Jena?

  • Pot Pourie 7 years ago

    According to your Board Chairman, homosexuality is not a bad thing. So how then does it become an insult? Are you saying that to please your chairman or you are simply stupid! Moses will not apologize. What can you do?

  • Jerry 7 years ago

    IDEC and the Amnesty International Board Chair, can go to hell Mr. Foh- Amoaning should never apologize.
    It is so sad that some of our educated elite who should be able to draw clear lines between culture and Values of Afri ...
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  • Who cares 7 years ago

    Mr Foh Amoaning is right the man is gay no need apology period. Satanic even dog shall never sleep with fellow dog how can man sleep with fellow man. Madness in highest level. We will resist today tomorrow to all. Foolishnes ...
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  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Sure resist. Why not. It won't change that every 20. man in Ghana is born gay. So by nature we will survive and fall in love with other gays. Today. Tomorrow and every time.

  • Concern Ghanaian 7 years ago

    You are really a foolish man who needed to be castrated. Foh-Amoaning will never ever apologize to beast like you and your so called Amnesty Int Board. Curse be upon you and your entire family for having such and un-Godly ide ...
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  • Concern Ghana 7 years ago

    The Lawyer didn't speak well at all not as a professional. He must apologize for the way he spoke not as whether gay is good or not.

  • Kwame 7 years ago

    That's it. Most people are not smart enough to see the facts like you described it. It was an insult because of the way he was talking to him. Not because he said he's gay.

  • Jerry 7 years ago

    That is the way selfish Africans who for pittance champion the imposition of ungodly and immoral values of the West on their compatriots.
    Such intellectuals are indeed a disgrace to Africa and particularly their families for ...
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  • Mabula 7 years ago

    Jerry: indeed my family is proud to have me. They know that I'm gay. So my dear friend it's not a disgrace at all. Indeed it's a shame that people like you are not well informed. That is the reason why gays have to hide. And ...
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  • kwasi gh 7 years ago

    Mr.Foh Amoaning won't and will never apologise for calling the spade a spade and not a big spoon.....u will rot before u die if u are a gay yourself....
    What can u do idiot?

  • Kofi 7 years ago

    Clueless idiots!

  • inercycl 7 years ago

    How could someone like Foh Amoaning teach law at the university.Do we lack proper law professors to teach? The problem is not about what the amnesty chair is or not,it is rather about the fact that this albino whose kind face ...
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  • Jerry 7 years ago

    Hear yourself- what has albinism got to do with mental capabilities? I can tell you Foh-Amoaning is a scholar par-excellence and I wonder if you have a quarter of his sharp brains.
    What is wrong is wrong.If in some African c ...
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  • Agyemang 7 years ago

    whether it will be legalize or not is not the context. The context is the lawyer should have known better than that. Don't all the time one will agree with the other as regards to public dicourse but everybody is entitle to h ...
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  • Agyemang 7 years ago

    whether it will be legalize or not is not the context. The context is the lawyer should have known better than that. Not all the time one will agree with the other as regards to public dicourse but everybody is entitle to his ...
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  • kofi 7 years ago

    My dear friend Agyeman, I couldn't have expressed it in a better way. We all should ask ourselves what is our major aim? Honestly, I believe we all want a good and happy life. That is what we humans all have in common. No mat ...
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  • steve jsckson 7 years ago

    why should a man fuck his own man by their anus? this is totally sin in the face of the lord our God, amasaman is the Ga west district such gay head quarters.

  • Mary 7 years ago

    Why should a man f*ck his own wife in her anus? It's wired since so many heterosexual men practice that as well ;) believe me I know what I am talking about.

  • coffee 7 years ago


  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    I see, you know what I'm talking about coffee ;)

  • hmm asem o 7 years ago

    Mary i believe you..i hv experienced it myself.

  • Ajasco Boy (Texas) 7 years ago

    What is the issue? If you are wrongly labeled, deny it, unless of course you agree with the labeling

  • Dee 7 years ago

    I thought he said it's a good thing so why the apology????? It's like looking someone in the fave and telling him "you are an Event, or Akan" this can never be an insult when indeed the person is one. HYPOCRICY at its peak! H ...
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  • NII LARYEA-TAKORADI 7 years ago



  • Lee 7 years ago

    God will punish u animals very well. May your hell fire be hotter than anything you can imagine. Animals .. Thanks Moses

  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    My dear friend Lee, which God do you talk about? Don't you see that hate is darken your soul? Your soul is already infected. Listen to yourself how much hate you have inside you. How much hate you spread. That is not what God ...
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  • asem aba 7 years ago

    You have everything wrong in your body, soul n mind...u gays r awfully blinded...

  • Kayj 7 years ago

    But you are gay? disgusting anus feaces fucker.

  • Abukari Zuberu 7 years ago

    He won't apologise today and tomorrow....useless think tank!

  • kofi T 7 years ago

    apologize my foot

  • Yaw 7 years ago

    Homosexuality should never be legalised in Ghana because of our cultural orientation. However, homosexuals have a right which must be protected at all costs. Adults are free to practice homosexuality but they do have the righ ...
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  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Nobody should care about what two grown-up adults do. As long as they are adults and both want it that way. Children are not ready to have sex. It can damage their life so we have to protect children in any way. So nobody if ...
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  • Yussif 7 years ago

    Apologize for what really,among all the things amnesty international does as listed in the write up it's only homosexuality and lesbianism that anoids people,we re all masters of our cultural beliefs,the west can not impose t ...
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  • Kwame 7 years ago

    Ghanaians are just hypocrites all u fucking asses do this but you write shit on here leave people to live their lives as they want it's non of your fucking business. That stupid albino should apologise to the gentleman.

  • Lawrence Sackey 7 years ago

    Because he's one of your own committing such an abominable act, huh ? Right thinking citizens of all countries frawn against this act being perpetrated by mentally depraved and morally corrupt persons.

  • Lawrence Sackey 7 years ago

    The only reason he MUST render an apologise is if the man is NOT a homosexual. The practice is an abomination and should never be allowed in our country.

  • Abbot NDC Senior Citizen 7 years ago

    Amnesty, Amnesty and they are spoiling the future generation, l am not sure during your youth you ever heard your elders advocating Human Rights Human Rights and truly by the Grace of Almighty God you grew up to become a well ...
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  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    May God and Allah send more love and understand to Africa. This continent is so full of hatred. We need more charity for each other. We need more respect. Love your neighbour as yourself. Spread love no hate. We all learned t ...
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  • Dennis Braide 7 years ago

    Mr Foh -Amoaning please note that the fact that one is defending the rights of a Homosexual doesn't make the person one. Remember the Man is an activist defending Albinos like you. Don't think you're a white man because of yo ...
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  • PAPA RANS 7 years ago

    Mass masa don't insult the voice of God

  • @Francis 7 years ago

    Nonsense, what should the leaned Lawyer apologize for? Apologize for this stupid and wicked characters in the system? Come on!!!!! Let's be serious!

  • HOLY SINNER 7 years ago

    THAN A HOMOSEXUAL.DOGS EVEN DONT DARE.inercyl I tell u this will neva happen in GHANA get it into ur block head.

  • Kaakie 7 years ago

    Why shd he apologise? He said the absolute truth. Give as a break!!! mtcheeeeeew. IDEC is sick or probly huv such ppl among them, Period!!!

  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Of course they have such people among them. We are hidden but we are everywhere. Most probably even one of your friends is one of us. But he won't tell you because he's afraid of telling it to you. He is afraid to lose you as ...
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  • PAPA RANS 7 years ago

    Why should he apologizes for saying the truth even animals will not practice this foh God bless you

    for standing in the gap we are solidly behind you in prayer and everything

  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Please no unprofessional comments like that. Some of the animals do practice gay sex. You can find that easily out if you do better research. Just watch more animals then you will find out. I'm even pretty sure you can read a ...
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  • Rayo 7 years ago

    Let's no waste our time for these evils. The only thing we need to do is to beat up and load them up in jail. In which country do they they live. I am urging Ghanaians to target them one by one, in particular the so-called Am ...
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  • KKK 7 years ago

    Apologise? What for? Mr. Foh Amoaning is an upright son of Ghana who only spoke the blunt truth.

  • TULA 7 years ago

    Massa;Foh-Amoaing shall never apologise to this dirty Homosexual Aggrey ; did his parents teach to come and defend the abomination of of homosexuals besides if Mr Aggrey is a homosexual and proud to be a homosexual why can he ...
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  • Rev. Joseph ADARKWAH 7 years ago

    I will be very disappointed ig our veteran lawyer Foh-Amoaning apologise. Anybody who support homosexual is sick. Also a disgrace to her Parents

  • coffee 7 years ago

    All of are wrong on who is this or who is that. what can you do, what can we do. You are not the law. Pray for the legislature that the devil will not take advantage of them.

  • kwasi gh 7 years ago

    Apologise my foot....when at all are gonna call a spade a spade and not a big spoon?
    Mr.Agbotsey I want to marry your son...are u in agreement pls? Because of small monies u go chop,u ve agreed wit the stinking west to call ...
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  • I AM GAY 7 years ago

    Kwasi you are a wise man. God is watching us. Especially those who spread hatred. Those with an infected soul full of hate. Cause that as you know is the devils most powerful weapon. God don't wants us to hate. He told us to ...
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  • ama ghana 7 years ago

    why should he apologize. ...for what?

  • ATYCO #ONE THE CITIZEN! 7 years ago

    Woy3 aboa ankasa ankasa @ I am a gay. Stupid boy. If gayism brought you forth from your mothers womb, continue practicing it. That stupid George Aggrey, he has the audacity to talk about it that should be localised. Ah! It is ...
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  • Mary 7 years ago

    Oh you are one of those guys that are over proud of themselves. Please come closer to the toilet your d*ck might be shorter then you think it is. When I read "receiving into her pussy hard and very hot dick sex from a man" th ...
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  • ATYCO #ONE THE CITIZEN! 7 years ago

    Samuel K. Agbokey or whatever, I thought ewes and northerners are differential when it comes to this unwholesome and devilish thing. But I never knew fools are emanating from your side now particularly the ewes. Long at someo ...
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  • Darko 7 years ago

    Am sure Amoatin is a gay

  • KOJO KPETSIGO 7 years ago


  • abraham 7 years ago

    Yes, this guy is gay. How dare you insult uncle moses. Son of a beach! If you are a man why don't you show your real name and face?

  • Philip 7 years ago

    My foot apology for what.was he able to answer the questions posted to him.don't folio the whites foolishly we can also think at least this one is not a rocket engine. So leave as in peace they can do their ntrum ...
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