
Government cracks down on fuel smugglers

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  • kofi 7 years ago

    When did this happen

  • Willie Show 7 years ago

    Ghanaians sometimes pretend they are unaware of happenings in this country. Go to Elubo for instance and you find convoys of Ivorian cargo trucks, with drums welded underneath them as spare tanks, loading fuel to be sent to t ...
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  • ANKORA WASH DC. 7 years ago

    We are still waiting for the NDC men to refute the allegations from the Minister. Was this due to pure incompetence or a just a device to plunder the wealth of the country?

  • Mohamed 7 years ago

    ANKORA WASH DC or whatever your true identity is, stop politicizing the issue as though is it being perpetuated by NDC bigwigs only. I am privileged to be a part of the oil and gas industry as a petroleum chemist and i am tel ...
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  • JM 7 years ago

    This new mobile interface is whack. I don't know whether you trying to advertise for Samsung but it's not working. Navigation is a problem

  • Rev. Martey 7 years ago

    This minister is a fool paaaaaa. Who is he telling ? Me? Silly minister idiot. Do you want me to go and stop them ?so that you collect how much as salary every month? Foolish boy. Do your job and atop telling stories. Look ...
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  • Citizen 7 years ago

    a;so tackle the huge and rampant smuggling of petroleum products by the dozens of fuel stations stationed along our borders. For example from Ho to Aflao, there are not less than 55 new filling stations set up on the right an ...
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  • Cowboy 7 years ago

    "According to the minister, the practice involves the diversion of petroleum products consigned for export by the use of fake foreign vehicle registration number plates which are replaced with those of Ghana’s after loading ...
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