
Kintampo Falls disaster: Accusations did not make sense – Invisible Forces

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  • Skippy 7 years ago

    So in Ghana today an illegal vigilante/militia is allowed to operate with impunity & a lawyer president s looking on while they perpetuate such illegal city on the citizens because as he said before ,they are militants on his ...
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  • Anna 7 years ago

    delta force will destroy npp/nana

  • Akora 7 years ago

    Nsem pii

  • Amotia JINNI Powers man+233547122212 7 years ago

    Powerful spritualist, Your better days is not tomorrow us you expect but is just on your on hands Nana red powers spritual center makes it so easy and you will never regret in your life, I help people in the following (1) ins ...
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  • Hans 7 years ago

    This foolish president will go in the history as disgrace to the law profession, a lawyer who don't respected laws of his country it's a very serious indictment