Dancing with a lady from her backside without consent could land you in jail for 6 years - Lawyer

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  • Ghanaians say yes to lgbt 7 months ago

    Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ and same sex marriage.

  • Rex 7 months ago

    Giving ridiculously high sentences for frivolous offenses,whilst they give low sentences to theiving politicians who practically have destroyed the nation.

  • Amen 7 months ago


  • P Djamgbe 7 months ago

    Ghanaians are ready for homosexuality.

  • LGBTQ IS A DEATH SENTENCE 7 months ago

    25 years sentence for disgusting

  • Eddy the King 7 months ago

    This is when the foolish black people starts copying the foolish white man

  • Nii napo 7 months ago


  • Shit hole 7 months ago

    What about the lady dancing from my backside without my consent

  • Same Effect 7 months ago

    That constitute an offence too. but hardly will any woman do that.

  • Kay 7 months ago

    Thanks for the education counsel. I never knew of these offense.

  • Bob P. 7 months ago


  • John 7 months ago

    Ladies can dance behind men but men cannot do the same without consent.


    kwasia law. that all u lawyers know, kwasia mu kwasia

  • Dongo Yaro 7 months ago

    How about the lady dancing

  • Dongo Yaro 7 months ago

    How about the lady dancing

  • Tgs 7 months ago

    Ei Ghana too get laws paaoo

  • Shame 7 months ago

    S H A M E

  • Dr Sammy 7 months ago

    That is why I'm always dancing With ladies in their front

  • The Law 7 months ago

    If counsel is referring to section 103 then the punishment is a term of imprisonment not les than six months, indecent assault is a misdemeanor and cannot attract a term of imprisonment for six years. Section 103 of the crimi ...
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