Two jailed for smoking Indian hemp

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  • Benny 10 years ago

    This judge is inhuman. Whisls Ghana want to discunjest its prison. This useless mad judge is sending people who has just smoke indian hemp.And for their own use. What is the use. Set them free after all this jugde also smoke ...
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  • Peeps 2 10 years ago

    Idiot JUDGES ARE WASTING COUNTRIES FUNDS...Its better to employ sensible judges than Idiot.people wasting tax payers money have not been caught and what are the Judges doing about them?.The Judge Even Smokes more than Wee.SET ...
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  • shitor de blanc 10 years ago

    FREE THE BASTARDS...Stoned and sleeping under coconut trees...Lazy and useless...Defecating on the beach openly disgusting as if they own the beach then wiping his button hole with sand...Quashia? Then there with them are th ...
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