Prophet Nkansah jailed one month

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  • why 9 years ago

    gh judges are a complete joke, to the victims reading this, you will get your true justice from God on these bastards, including that judge if he's compromised. Man of the Most High has spoken.Amen

  • kk 9 years ago

    This time I disagree with Hon Francis Obiri if one got 10yrs then so called prophet Nkansah should get 15yrs he sent them there he saw them taken the items because he was going to take his share. There should be a review

  • kk 9 years ago

    This time I disagree with Hon Francis Obiri if one got 10yrs then so called prophet Nkansah should get 15yrs he sent them there he saw them taken the items because he was going to take his share. There should be a review

  • kk 9 years ago

    This time I disagree with Hon Francis Obiri if one got 10yrs then so called prophet Nkansah should get 15yrs he sent them there he saw them taken the items because he was going to take his share. There should be a review

  • Amidini 9 years ago

    Oh ! sorry, as a Man of God Prop. Nkansah should have exercise a little patience. They will learn a lesson next time.

  • Obahemaa 9 years ago

    what a joke to our legal system. You jail someone guilty of robbery dangerous weapon with intent to harm for one month then turn around and jail the poor illiterate man 10 years for stealing a goat? And heard NO comment fro ...
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  • Joshua 9 years ago

    am.not surprised cos judge obiri has left police officers who robbed a pharmacist last year. they jail a thief long yrs and leave robbers on the loose. God help us