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Sacked soldier busted for robbery

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  • Ganiyu 8 years ago

    Note to the Editor: The plural for ammunition is AMMUNITION. Just like Furniture or Rice the plural form is the spelt the same as the singular form.

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    The standard of reporting is terrible, 'the mobsters....', who are the mobsters in question here?

  • AYAARE NAMSONGA 8 years ago

    When people are smuggled into the Arm Forces on partisan lines. When the Police have become Kuffour police other than Ghana Police then you expect nothing better than armed robbers wielding military guns and on the rampage.

  • Branaboy 8 years ago

    @Ayaare, don't know what you are trying to imply but the "Kuffuor Police" were National Service Personnel who were NEVER inducted into the policy force. In fact it was under President Mills that the newly inducted NDC cadre N ...
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  • jack 8 years ago

    What do you expect, how can you train a soldier and after teaching him all the technical aspect of shooting, aiming and killing you sacked him?

  • xyz 8 years ago

    how can you employ a thief in the army. Awagri means a thief. lol