Boy, 18, robs teacher with Knife

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  • Gaby 8 years ago

    Jail him 18 yrs too. I wish I was there to give him a dirty slap.

  • Wasik 8 years ago

    Hey brother, hitting him won't solve the problem. Remember no one was born a criminal. He is hungry no job no skills and probably homeless on the streets. So what do you expect him to do? I don't support what he did don't get ...
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  • &&& 8 years ago

    Does it mean you should pull knife to rob innocent poor teacher if you are hungry ? Mayne you are also armed robber
    kwasea !!!

  • Basi 8 years ago

    Being hungry , no job , no skills .means you should take knife to rob people. Go to Brong Ahafo and you will see a family man with one of his hands cut off but still working on a farm. No work doesn't mean you should take a k ...
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  • Kweku 8 years ago

    wasik didn't say that. Learn how to read properly!

  • Basi 8 years ago

    If you are also an armed robber one day one day your cup will be full.

  • Mary 8 years ago

    Thank you Wasik! So many bloodthirsty wicked people commenting. Yes he must be punished but a young life can be turned around!

  • Yaa 8 years ago

    I feel sorry for him although I know what he did was wrong. What a waste of a young life. Young people seem to have no future anymore! Sad!