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Actor Ajos consoles wife of late Major Mahama with performance

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Sun, 11 Jun 2017 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Veteran actor Kingsley Kwasi Kyerementeng, popularly known as Ajos, took to the State House where the funeral of the lynched soldier, Major Maxwell Adam Mahama, was taking place to console his widow Barbara Mahama.

The 65-year-old Akan drama star with the assistance of the Ghana Armed Forces Central Band performed a number of songs after which he went to greet the widow of the murdered soldier.

Major Maxwell Adam Mahama was given a State burial after he was killed in the line of duty at Denkyira Obuasi in the Central region.

Some residents lynched the soldier whilst he was on his morning trek within the vicinity mistaking him for an armed robber.

The gruesome murder generated a nationwide outcry and criticisms for the barbaric act toward a soldier on duty.

Major Maxwell Mahama was buried Saturday at the Osu Cemetary in Accra.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com