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Dear GhanaWeb: My fiancée's makeup artist for our wedding is my girlfriend

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Thu, 18 May 2023 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Dear GhanaWeb,

I find myself caught in a challenging situation that I hope you can provide some guidance on. In preparation for our upcoming wedding, my fiancée has made arrangements for a makeup artist to beautify her on our special day.

Here's where it gets complicated, the makeup artist she hired is my girlfriend, who is unaware that I will be getting married soon.

My girlfriend believes that she is the only person I am dating and remains oblivious to the fact that I am on the verge of marrying another woman. Equally, my fiancée is completely unaware of my connection to the makeup artist.

Given these circumstances, I am at a loss as to what steps to take next. The situation has left me feeling confused and uncertain.

I kindly seek your advice and guidance on how to navigate this complex predicament.

Dear GhanaWeb is a relationship and lifestyle advice column by GhanaWeb where the GhanaWeb audience responds to your questions and problems about relationships at home, work, and beyond. Share yours with GhanaWeb via:features@ghanaweb.com.

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Source: www.ghanaweb.com
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