Dear GhanaWeb: My in-laws are always interrupting my vacations with my husband

46778203 File photo of a couple

Mon, 3 Apr 2023 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

Several months into our marriage, my spouse and I were excitedly planning an international trip for our second honeymoon when my in-laws unexpectedly insisted on joining us.

They were quite insistent, despite my initial assumption that they were joking. In fact, my father-in-law even resorted to emotional manipulation when I tried to explain that we had already made preparations for just the two of us.

Despite my frustration, my husband seemed to acquiesce to their demands with a resigned look. It's difficult for me to express just how angry and upset I was, especially since everyone in the household seemed to consider this behaviour acceptable. Unfortunately, the same situation repeated itself when we attempted to plan another trip just five months later.

What do I do?

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