I've greater resolve never to dumb down my lyrics – M.anifest

M.anifest Smile M.anifest

Thu, 24 Nov 2016 Source: nydjlive.com

No, more than ever, M.anifest has greater resolve never to dumb down his lyrics.

Were you one of the people who had to google search or pick up dictionaries for the meaning various words used by award winning Ghanaian rapper and wordsmith Kwame Ametepee Tsikata well known as M.anifest after the release of his most controversial song god MC?

Well, pretty sure the brother did you some good. At least, he got you visiting the dictionary and adding up to your vocabulary and he’s ever ready to do more.

Sitting back in a one on one interview with NY DJ on Behind The Move, a new webisode put together by NYDJ Live Media and BTM Afrika, M.anifest revealed the words he uses in his songs are not beyond anyone’s comprehension since kids could even relate to the most citing god MC as an example.

“Some of these things, it’s just having an expansive linguistic ability or expansive way to use language. It’s nothing actually. Children will be the ones supercalifragilisticexpialidocious will appeal to the most …It’s like a Dr Seuss rhyme thing. Some of these things are nothing exceptional.

As a wordsmith, I think the power in what you do is to see the same things but describe it in interesting.. I’m not the first”.

Asked if he is ever tempted to dumb down his lyrics since many seem to assert the vocabularies are too “big” to comprehend, M.anifest responded in the negative saying;

“Now even more than ever, I have greater resolve not to do that because if you water it down, whatever people are attracted to you will not be interested in the response. Being yourself in life in great”.

M.anifest recently released a 14 track album No Where Cool and has since received a lot of positive reviews.

Source: nydjlive.com