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‘Jesus’ satirizes Ghanaian politics

Video Archive
Mon, 23 Sep 2019 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

As part of the Ghanaian way of life, there is always a way of making humour out of pertinent social and political issues, to keep the rise of tensions at bay.

The new Ghanaian ‘Jesus’ who seems to have taken over social media with his humorous skits is doing just fine at satirizing political and social issues.

In his latest video, he highlighted some achievement and scandals that bridled the various presidential regimes in the fourth republic, starting with Jerry John Rawlings.

Using the biblical parable of the workers in the vineyard, he replicated the story, but this time with Ghanaian presidents as characters.

He narrated, “a rich man gave his workers a task to complete, the first worker was called Rawlings, the second was Kufour and the story of the third worker is quite sad. He died mysteriously in line of duty, the fourth was called Mahama. The current worker now is Akufo-Addo.”

Highlighting some achievements of the presidents he said, “the one called Kufour achieved a lot, he initiated the National Health Insurance.”

“But the one called Mahama brought Guinea fowls from the North and they disappeared without trace. Currently, the one working (Akufo-Addo), has made a lot of promises. He said he’ll bring One village, One dam, but we see nothing. He’s since only done one, which is the Free SHS.”

He touched on the growing tension among the two main political parties ahead of the upcoming election 2020.

The sensational kumawood actor, Justice Mbebusem mimics Jesus Christ in his latest skit videos.

Below is the full video;

Source: www.ghanaweb.com