My mother never supported my decision - Joyce Dzidzor

Joyce Profile Joyce Dzidor Mensah

Thu, 1 Oct 2015 Source:

Joyce Dzidzor Mensah, says her mother was never in support of her decision to take up the mantle of an HIV/AIDS ambassador.

“The thing is my mother was never in support of my ambassadorial deal. When I decided to embark on this project, I told my mother and all my relatives about it and they asked me not to, but I declined and jumped onto the deal.

In fact nobody in my family was in support of the decision I took,” she said in an interview with

“Though I knew that the consequence of my actions whether good or bad will have an effect on them, I did not hesitate to embark on that journey and today this is what I get in return,” she added.

The former HIV/AIDs ambassador, on December 15, 2014, revealed that she had never tested positive for HIV.

Joyce had claimed over the years that she was HIV positive but was a healthy person because she was on antiretroviral drugs.

She has had support and funding from several organizations, institutions, banks and civil society in her campaign across the country on how to prevent HIV and how persons who have tested positive can live healthily and happily with the virus.

Dzidzor has toured several Ghanaian schools and mounted international platforms to fight the stigma against HIV/AIDS victims as well as encouraging young men and women to abstain from premarital and unprotected sex.
