Pope Skinny's Lover Caught Pants Down

Fri, 15 Oct 2010 Source: News One

Jaws Dropped at the offices of News One when Efua Hiagbe, a publicist, gave a striking description of her sexual relationship with hiplife artiste Pope Skinny, praising him for what she described as extra ordinary sex skills that easily draw her to a climax.

Efua, who visited News One on September 21 this year to confirm reports that she had been physically assaulted by Pope Skinny, till she bled and fell into a coma, said she still loved the musician despite the fact that he was violent towards her.

According to News One Editors, they have been compelled to put out this story because Efua, after giving the paper the go ahead to run the alleged beatings she received from Pope Skinny, stabbed the paper in the back by moving from one media house to another to deny ever speaking to paper and questioning the paper’s credibility.

Since the story broke, Efua had told Channel R, Peace FM, TV Africa and some other networks that the News One story was a lie and she did not know anything about the publication. She has since then questioned the paper’s credibility and ridiculed its Editors in public.

News One can however confirm that she visited the paper’s office twice to confirm the episode and boasted about a supposed help she had given Pope Skinny over the years. When she visited News One on September 21, she said the assault really happened but she loved Pope Skinny so the paper should not run the story. “It is true he beat me up but don’t do the story because it would tarnish my reputation….. Look, I have a daughter with a very well-known guy and the best honour I can do him is to date someone higher but not Pope Skinny, excuse me to say …. I have a family and all that.“But I still love him. He fucks me well just that he is too jealous. He recently got angry that I kissed Castro during the Fetu Afahye festival in Cape Coast,” Efua explained.

She however returned to News One offices the next day, September 22, in an angrier mood and alleged that she had received more beatings from Pope Skinny so the paper should this time run the story. She willingly gave News one photographs of herself in a coma after the alleged beatings.

Efua said she had reported the assault to the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOWSU) at the Ministries Police Station and even showed some documentation to support her claim. She said DOWSU officials had asked Pope Skinny, whose real name is Kwame Ohene Darko, to report at the station the next day at 10 am.

During her visit on September 21, Efua Hiagbe placed a telephone call to Ebenezer Agangfio, Editor of ghanacelebrities.com and after speaking to him, gave the phone to the Editor of News One so Ebenezer would beg them to hold on with the story.Two other people who spoke to News One on her behalf, on the same alleged case of assault, were Mama Zimbi and Daddy Bosco, all of Adom FM.

Efua said she used to be in a love relationship with Pope Skinny and that she also manages his music career but things went sour on September 11 this year and he got physical with her. She said several other things that would demean Pope Skinny if it reached the ears of the public, thus we would reserve them for now.When News one called Efua yesterday to ask why she confirmed a story and asked the paper to publish it, then turns around to attack the paper’s credibility, she rendered a feeble apology and said she would visit the Editor to explain why she did that.

She was also interested in wanting to know whether the telephone conversation was being recorded or not. It is interesting why she would think News One, in this era of technology, would not be ‘careful’ and ‘smart’ in dealing with her.

Below is a chronology of News One’s dealings with Efua Hiagbe.

• News One on September 21 calls Efua Hiagbe to ask if it was true she had been assaulted

• Efua comes to News One offices same day to confirm the report but begs the story should not be published

• Efua calls Ebenezer Agangfio to plead with News One on her behalf.

• Efua returns the next day, Wednesday, September 22 and says she has been beaten again by Pope Skinny

• Efua says she has reported the case to DOVSSU and shows her documents. She asked the paper to run the story.

• Efua sends photos to herself in coma to News One through her mobile phone’s Bluetooth.

• News one breaks the story on Friday September 23.

• Efua, on same day is reported on Channel R to have denied the story.

• On Saturday, September 24, Peace FM reports that Efua denied the story and attacked News One’s credibility.

• On Wednesday October 13, Efua appears on TV Africa to rubbish the story and attacked the credibility of News One and the paper’s Editors.

• Thursday, October 14, New One calls Efua and asks her why she was ‘misbehaving’. She asked if the conversation was being recorded. She apologized and promised to visit the paper for an explanation.

Source: News One