Prostitute Charges GH¢20 Penalty

Sun, 10 Oct 2010 Source: The Chronicle

Drama ensued last Thursday between a middle aged man whose name was not readily established as at the time of filing this report, and one Yaa Mary, a native of Oyoko, who is said to be a commercial worker in Eastern Regional capital, Koforidua.

The man, who is said to be a regular customer of Yaa Mary, met his sexual partner at their usual Total Two spot, a popular drinking place which is gradually becoming the hub of prostitutes. But, little did this man know that his quest to satisfy his libido would not be met, when Yaa Mary decided to halt the deal, after taking an initial fee of GH¢20 to provide ‘the service’.

The man did everything possible to convince the lady to follow him to the house, but his persuasion did not yield any fruitful result, as the lady stood to her position.This development, the customer found unfair, and thus demanded that the lady refund the initial money paid to her, since she could not render the service for which he paid the said amount, but desperate Yaa Mary would not budge.

Like the saying, when persuasion fails force must applied, the fuming aged man decided to use force to demand his money, which was met with counter force from his prostitute friend.According to Yaa Mary, the GH¢20 was the penalty her customer had to pay for kissing and foundling her.

Unrelenting, her customer held the sexy looking lady’s attire, and warned her to give him his money, and even went ahead to threaten sending her to the police station if she did not give him the money. But for the timely intervention of onlookers, the middle aged man would have been lynched by other prostitutes who were sitting by observing proceedings with rapt attention.Interestingly, the activities of the prostitutes in the Koforidua township is now becoming the order of the day, as their number keeps increasing each passing day.

Source: The Chronicle