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Quitting banking to start a business with style; the story of Sandra Pimpong

Sandra Pimpong Miss Sandra Pimpong, Founder of Quist Nutrition

Fri, 20 Oct 2017 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

In an economy where unemployment is up the roof, for those who are lucky enough to secure a well-paying job with a lot of perks, there are very few things that would make you quit to start a new career.

This is because you gain a world of professional experience as well as building long lasting networks that will come in handy in the future.

26-year-old Sandra Pimpong is one of such lucky young graduates who was able to secure a well-paying job right after school.

After her mandatory national service with one of the popular fast growing banks in Ghana, her hardwork secured her a spot in the company.

Indeed she was living every graduate’s dream, unfortunately, that was not her dream. Miss Pimpong, after a rather short while, deserted her 2 year-career in banking to set up her own brand; Quist Nutrition.

From the likes of Lucy Quist, Dzigbordi K. Dosoo, Theresa Ayoade, Yvonne Nelson and many others making it big in their various fields, it's clear that when it comes to entrepreneurship, it's not solely a man's world anymore in Ghana.

Sandra’s success has been very remarkable after throwing herself a challenge and starting something on her own; today she is the founder and owner of 3 successful companies.

In this inspiring story, Miss Sandra in an interview with Ghanaweb, shares her reason for taking the huge step to set up her own business, the challenges she has faced so far and what inspires her.

Read her full story below;

I transitioned from my banking corporate career to entrepreneurship and I must say, it was really tough at the beginning. To take that bold step to starting a business, I had to look within and figure out what I was passionate about.

I discovered that I enjoyed buying and selling, so my first business in 2014 was Sandys Kenkey smoothies, which I started from banks to banks.

I started with word of mouth marketing, then moved on to creating social media contents to market my products online.

As a small business owner, I have had my ups and downs, but I kept striving & putting in my best effort. From dispatch motor riders, I soon started selling and delivering to people outside Accra I lived, and now my business is on one of Ghana's largest online market where we have three shops operating currently.

I also discovered that I have a great passion to inspire and help people by making their ideas and dreams come reality so I set up my third line of business (NGO). I’m currently organizing a charity event where we’ll be giving free clothes, shoes, school uniforms, foods, water etc to the less privileged children in the Society.

Being able to stay focused and never looking back to see how big some problems or challenges were, has greatly helped me in building four strong brands.

I believe I shouldn’t wait till I’m seen on CNN or get listed on Forbes to create an impact and make the world a better place. I can now boast of three shops I currently run in this country.

1) Quist Nutrition & general trading enterprise located at American House East Legon.

2) Glamour Palette located at East Legon, ARS opposite Zoe outreach ministry.

3) America in Ghana shop located at Dansoman.

Follow and like her page as well on Facebook and Instagram.

Sandra Affro Pimpong: Accra-Ghana

Source: www.ghanaweb.com