Resurrect your career and stop the nonsense – Showbiz critic jabs Chase

Lutterodt Chase Chase has offered to give any Ghanaian willing to slap Counsellor Lutterodt $200

Thu, 22 Mar 2018 Source:

Chase appears to have fallen on the dagger of many after promising to give $200 to any Ghanaian who can slap Counsellor George Cyril Lutterodt, has observed.

First, it was radio presenter, Sammy Flex urging Counselor Lutterodt to cause the arrest of Chase and now, showbiz critic, Nana Turkson has descended heavily on the singer over the said comments.

Outspoken Counselor Lutterodt is on record to have jabbed Yvonne Nelson, describing her as an ashawo, following reports that the actress had given birth out of wedlock.

Over the weekend, Chase who is known to be Yvonne Nelson’s friend posted a video registering his utmost displeasure about Counselor Lutterodt and his utterances towards the actress as well as several other celebrities.

He threw a challenge, promising to reward whoever is able to slap Counselor Lutterodt with $200.

“This guy sits on TV and degrades a woman that’s carried a baby for 9-months and nobody says anything about it. It breaks my heart, so I have $200 for anyone that can slap Counsellor Lutterodt and send me a video,” he said.

His statement, according to Nana Turkson, is irresponsible, to say the least.

“Really, $200? And you’re sitting there like a kingpin giving orders because your best friend is Yvonne Nelson? Really? Sometimes when people get visa to America, they think that’s Heaven… You sit there and feel all pompous,” he said on ‘Showbiz Agenda’, Monday.

Nana Turkson

Nana Turkson stressed that violence is never the solution to issues, adding that the statement from Chase is pure balderdash.

“You think I like Counselor Lutterodt? We are friends. My wife likes him so much and it annoys me. I don’t like him. I think he is pompous but you have to give him his right. He has to spew all garbage he can. That’s his brand. If you don’t like what he is preaching, you can just tune off. You do not come and punch out violence. Can you imagine!

“He should concentrate on his music career and resurrect it because I haven’t heard any sensible song from him in the past. He should sit down, take a piece of paper and write songs… Then in the song, he can dedicate it to Yvonne Nelson that anyone who tags her and calls her an ‘ashawo’, you could press charges for defamatory. Other than that, Chase, please wear that your nonsense hat and give us an ‘f’ break,” Nana Turkson fumed.

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