‘MUSIGA must step down for MUCOG’, Obuoba J A Adofo

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  • NOi aMUGU 10 years ago

    just another bunch of musicians trying to chop ghana small.

  • Yaw 10 years ago

    I for 1,is sick of hear from past Ghanaian artists,sports men/women that they toiled in vein.
    Let me make it clear to these whingers that it's the same with all Ghanaians be you a farmer,civil servant,doctor,nurse,teacher et ...
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  • B.Ranks 10 years ago

    Cry your own cry and do not blame him for doing his.

  • OSABERIMA 10 years ago

    don't they have credit union bank or some sort of pension plan that the union could help them with so that when they are no more active, they could depend on? Is Mr Adofo asking for handout or what? am confuse.

  • kofi Poli 10 years ago

    Joke joke. I dont think even think the old man put up this story because the last time a Mucog story came up... the musicians denied and said it was a blackmail. I challenge the writer to post the rape if he really interviewe ...
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  • COJO TEE 10 years ago

    Ghanaian should desist from this habit of 'used and dumped' which has become prevalent in our daily lives. It's a high time these fading stars should be recognized for their roles they played in maintaining the dignity of the ...
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